IEA SHC Annual Report 2022July 2023 - PDF 3.95MB
Editor: Pamela Murphy
Our mission assumes a systematic approach to applying solar technologies and designs to whole buildings and industrial and agricultural process heat. Based on this mission, the SHC TCP will carry out and coordinate international R&D work and will continue to cooperate with other IEA Implementing Agreements and the solar industry to expand the solar market. Our activities support market expansion by providing reliable information on solar system performance, design guidelines and tools, data and market approaches, and developing and integrating advanced solar energy technologies and design strategies for the built environment and industrial and agricultural process heat applications.
Our target audiences are the design community, solar manufacturers, and the energy supply and service industries that serve the end-users as well as architects, cities, housing companies, and building owners.
The primary activity of the SHC TCP is to develop research projects (Tasks) to study various aspects of solar heating and cooling. Each research Task is managed by a Task Manager selected by the Executive Committee.